Version information
Version : v1
URI scheme
Host : my.epias.com.tr
BasePath : /ecms-helper-services/rest
Schemes : HTTPS
About This Document
This document contains application definitions and describes how these services will be invoked.
This is a live document and features may differ between test and production versions.
1.0.0 Service Definitions
About Application
This application is running on REST services. It consumes JSON and XML requests and produces JSON and XML requests.
You need a authorized user at DGPYS to use these services. Every request needs to be authorize by Central Authentication Server (cas.epias.com.tr).
Generating Clients
Service documentation based on Swagger. You can use following files https://testtys.epias.com.tr/ecms-consumption-metering-point/test/swagger.json for test environment, https://tys.epias.com.tr/ecms-consumption-metering-point/test/swagger.json for production environment to generate client. There is a code generator located on https://generator.swagger.io which helps you to build client in any language.
Help and Support
You can send your opinions or support request to gorusleriniz.st@epias.com.tr mail address.
Application Call Procedure
TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) controls users session. TGT is active at 45 even if you don’t use it.
You can not use TGT as token to call rest services. For each call you need to create a token (Called ST - Service Token) using TGT. You should reuse TGT.You don’t need to create TGT for each request. If you do that you may blocked by Central Authentication Server.
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
In order to create TGT you can post following request to https://cas.epias.com.tr/cas/v1/tickets?format=text for production or https://testcas.epias.com.tr/cas/v1/tickets?format=text for pre-production environment. Service accepts only POST requests.
HTTP header should contain Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded key value pair.
parameter | value |
username |
DGPYS user |
password |
DGPYS password |
POST /cas/v1/tickets HTTP/1.1
Host: cas.epias.com.tr
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
You should wait HTTP 201 status code for successful requests.
Service Ticket (ST) Procedure
You need to have a valid TGT to create ST. If you have a valid TGT. You need to construct ST request URL. URL should have following format https://cas.epias.com.tr/cas/v1/tickets/{TGT}
You can not reuse ST. |
ST is valid for 30 seconds. |
Service name is for production https://tys.epias.com.tr and https://testtys.epias.com.tr for test |
You should post following parameter as an input using POST method.
parameter | value |
service |
for test environment : https://testtys.epias.com.tr, for production environment https://tys.epias.com.tr |
You get following response after you call the operation. If you should wait for HTTP 200 status code for successful requests.
Base Message Format
Gun Oncesi Application has a standart message format.
Every http request should contain following HTTP headers.
key | value |
ecms-service-ticket |
Service Ticket (ST) e.g. : ST-30247-uNWazHn52sKZU71v5Ar4-cas02.epias.com.tr |
Accept |
application/json or application/xml |
Content-Type |
application/json or application/xml |
Accept-Language |
tr-tr or en-us (english version is in testing stage) |
Service messages are splitted in two parts.
First part is called header which defines your requests. This area is independent from service bussiness logic. header should contain following key value pair.
key | value | description |
transactionId |
this should be unique (Universal Unique Identifier) |
we will request this value if you have some trouble using rest services. |
application |
your application name |
Second part called body. This part may differ across all other services.
Following request validates delivery day for offer services.
header is a (key) (value) pair area. |
All services uses ISO-8601 as date-time format. Format : yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. You should use Europe/Istanbul as timezone. Timezone may differ daylight saving days. Sample : 2016-03-25T00:00:00.000+0300 |
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class DateUtil
public static Date fromISO8601Date(String v)
if (null == v) return null;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");
return sdf.parse(v);
} catch (ParseException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static String toISO8601Date(Date v)
if (null == v) return null;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");
return sdf.format(v);
POST /ecms-unregistered-metering-point/rest/ump/list HTTP/1.1
Host: testtysapi.epias.com.tr
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
ecms-service-ticket: ST-31352-VjHOo5iDV4fDkOod3jZc-cas02.epias.com.tr
Cache-Control: no-cache
"distributionMeterCode":" M328",
"name":"1. BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ",
"shortname":"1 Iletim"
"name":"1. BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ",
"shortname":"1 Iletim"
Response contains two section. Fields start with result describes whether your reques is valid or not. Section body contains response.
Every response contains following fields
parameter | type | value | description |
resultCode |
string |
"0" means success other values may differ for each request |
if you had a problem we will ask this value. |
resultDescription |
string |
if requests succeed return "OK" otherwise returs error description |
. |
resultType |
string |
returns SUCCESS for valid operation, if you violate a business rule you will get BUSINESSERROR , if our system can not process your request, you will get SYSTEMERROR |
BUSINESSERROR : This means you send an invalid request. Check your input. if you belive your request is valid contact with us. SYSTEMERROR : This means we can not process your request. You should contact with us. |
Service Details
From this point document contains service description and call details.
1. Reference Data Listing Service
1.1. How to get reference data?
Please click here to see paths.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<description>NARİNKALE TM</description>
<description>DİKMEN GEÇİCİ</description>
<description>GÖZLÜ TM</description>
"resultCode": "0",
"resultDescription": "OK",
"resultType": "SUCCESS",
"body": {
"referenceListResponse": [
"key": "1582",
"description": "NARİNKALE TM",
"addition": "40"
"key": "1442",
"description": "DİKMEN GEÇİCİ",
"addition": "470"
"key": "1482",
"description": "GÖZLÜ TM",
"addition": "420"
2. Reference Description Listing Service
2.1. How to get reference descriptions?
Please click here to see paths.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<description>Şehirleri listeler.</description>
<description>Uevçb bağlantı anlaşma tiplerini listeler.</description>
<description>Bara gerilim değerlerini listeler.</description>
<description>Bağlantı noktası gerilim değerlerini listeler.</description>
<description>Sayaç kayıp tiplerini listeler.</description>
<description>Sayaç kullanım tiplerini listeler.</description>
<description>Profil tiplerini listeler.</description>
<description>Profil abone grupları listeler.</description>
<description>Sayaç trafo merkezlerini ve bulundukları şehirleri listeler.</description>
<description>Trafoya göre konum tiplerini listeler.</description>
<description>Sayaç veriş pozisyonlarını listeler.</description>
<description>Sayaç çekiş pozisyonlarını listeler.</description>
<description>Hat devre sayılarını listeler.</description>
<key>conductor_resistance </key>
<description>İletken özdirençlerini listeler.</description>
<description>Firma faaliyet kodlarını listeler.</description>
<description>Ana tarife kodlarını listeler.</description>
"resultCode": "0",
"resultDescription": "OK",
"resultType": "SUCCESS",
"body": {
"referenceDescListResponse": [
"key": "city",
"description": "Şehirleri listeler."
"key": "connection_contact_type",
"description": "Uevçb bağlantı anlaşma tiplerini listeler."
"key": "busbar_voltage",
"description": "Bara gerilim değerlerini listeler."
"key": "meter_voltage",
"description": "Bağlantı noktası gerilim değerlerini listeler."
"key": "meter_loss_type",
"description": "Sayaç kayıp tiplerini listeler."
"key": "meter_usage_type",
"description": "Sayaç kullanım tiplerini listeler."
"key": "profile_type",
"description": "Profil tiplerini listeler."
"key": "profile_subscription_group",
"description": "Profil abone grupları listeler."
"key": "substation",
"description": "Sayaç trafo merkezlerini ve bulundukları şehirleri listeler."
"key": "location_to_transformer",
"description": "Trafoya göre konum tiplerini listeler."
"key": "meter_supply_position",
"description": "Sayaç veriş pozisyonlarını listeler."
"key": "meter_withdrawal_position",
"description": "Sayaç çekiş pozisyonlarını listeler."
"key": "line_circuit_number",
"description": "Hat devre sayılarını listeler."
"key": "conductor_resistance ",
"description": "İletken özdirençlerini listeler."
"key": "company_action_code",
"description": "Firma faaliyet kodlarını listeler."
"key": "main_tariff_code",
"description": "Ana tarife kodlarını listeler."
3. Meter Operation Log List Service
3.1. How to list meter operation logs?
Please click here to see paths.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<username>AAA Enerji Perakende</username>
<description>Yeni Kayıt (Sayaç) - Dönem : </description>
<reason>Test denemesi</reason>
<username>AAA Enerji Perakende</username>
<description>Yeni Kayıt (Konfigurasyon) - Dönem : 04-2017</description>
<reason>Test denemesi</reason>
<username>AAA Enerji Perakende</username>
<description>Yeni Kayıt</description>
<reason>Test denemesi</reason>
<username>AAA Enerji Perakende</username>
<description>Yeni Kayıt (Donemlik Bilgi) - Dönem : 04-2017</description>
<reason>Test denemesi</reason>
<username>AAA Enerji Perakende</username>
<description>Yeni Kayıt (Donemlik Bilgi) - Dönem : 03-2017</description>
<reason>Test denemesi</reason>
"header": [
"key": "transactionId",
"value": "a0240b0c-341e-431a-96a8-122b29444880"
"key": "application",
"value": "demoIstemci"
"body": {
"meterEic": "40Z000044101822R",
"start": "2017-02-07T09:31:33.000+0300",
"end": "2017-03-07T09:31:33.000+0300",
"type": "METER"
"resultCode": "0",
"resultDescription": "OK",
"resultType": "SUCCESS",
"body": {
"logs": [
"meterEic": "40Z000044101822R",
"logDate": "2017-03-07T09:30:37.000+0300",
"username": "AAA Enerji Perakende",
"description": "Yeni Kayıt (Sayaç) - Dönem : ",
"logtype": "METER",
"category": 9,
"reason": "Test denemesi"
"meterEic": "40Z000044101822R",
"logDate": "2017-03-07T09:30:37.000+0300",
"username": "AAA Enerji Perakende",
"description": "Yeni Kayıt (Konfigurasyon) - Dönem : 04-2017",
"logtype": "METER",
"category": 9,
"reason": "Test denemesi"
"meterEic": "40Z000044101822R",
"logDate": "2017-03-07T09:30:33.000+0300",
"username": "AAA Enerji Perakende",
"description": "Yeni Kayıt",
"logtype": "METERINGPOINT",
"category": 9,
"reason": "Test denemesi"
"meterEic": "40Z000044101822R",
"logDate": "2017-03-07T09:30:37.000+0300",
"username": "AAA Enerji Perakende",
"description": "Yeni Kayıt (Donemlik Bilgi) - Dönem : 04-2017",
"logtype": "METER",
"category": 9,
"reason": "Test denemesi"
"meterEic": "40Z000044101822R",
"logDate": "2017-03-07T09:31:33.000+0300",
"username": "AAA Enerji Perakende",
"description": "Yeni Kayıt (Donemlik Bilgi) - Dönem : 03-2017",
"logtype": "METER",
"category": 9,
"reason": "Test denemesi"
4. Paths
4.1. Service for listing Meter Operation Log
POST /log/meter
4.1.1. Description
Lists Meter operation logs.
4.1.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header |
ecms-service-ticket |
CMS Service Ticket Header |
string |
Body |
body |
4.1.3. Responses
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful operation |
4.1.4. Produces
4.1.5. Tags
4.2. Service for listing reference data
POST /reference/get
4.2.1. Description
It returns information needed for meter registration.
4.2.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header |
ecms-service-ticket |
CMS Service Ticket Header |
string |
Body |
body |
4.2.3. Responses
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful operation |
4.2.4. Produces
4.2.5. Tags
4.3. Service for listing reference descriptions
POST /reference/get/desc
4.3.1. Description
Service for listing reference descriptions
4.3.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header |
ecms-service-ticket |
CMS Service Ticket Header |
string |
Body |
body |
4.3.3. Responses
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful operation |
4.3.4. Produces
4.3.5. Tags
5. Definitions
5.1. GetReferenceDescRequest
Wrapper Request Model for Reference Description
Name | Description | Schema |
body |
header |
Keeps request header informations. |
< Header > array |
5.2. GetReferenceRequest
Wrapper Request Model for Reference
Name | Description | Schema |
body |
Reference Data Service Request |
header |
Keeps request header informations. |
< Header > array |
5.3. Header
Keeps request header informations.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
Keeps header key information. |
string |
value |
Keeps header value information. |
string |
5.4. MeterOperationLogListResponse
Meter Operation Log Service Response body.
Name | Description | Schema |
logs |
Meter Operation Log Service Response body. |
< MeterOperationLogResponse > array |
5.5. MeterOperationLogRequest
Meter Operation Log Service request body.
Name | Description | Schema |
end |
End date range. |
string(date-time) |
meterEic |
Meter eic. |
string |
start |
Start date range. |
string(date-time) |
type |
5.6. MeterOperationLogResponse
Meter Operation Log Service Response body.
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
Log description. |
string |
logDate |
Log date. |
string(date-time) |
logtype |
meterEic |
Meter eic. |
string |
organization |
Organization of user who creates a log record. |
string |
reason |
Log reason. |
string |
username |
User who creates related log. |
string |
5.7. MeterOperationLogServiceRequest
Meter Operation Log Service request.
Name | Description | Schema |
body |
Meter Operation Log Service request body. |
header |
Keeps request header informations. |
< Header > array |
5.8. MeterOperationLogServiceResponse
Meter Operation Log Service Response.
Name | Description | Schema |
body |
Meter Operation Log Service Response body. |
resultCode |
0 means success other values may differ for each request. |
string |
resultDescription |
if requests succeed return OK otherwise returns error description. |
string |
resultType |
returns SUCCESS for valid operation, if you violate a business rule you will get BUSINESSERROR, if our system can not process your request, you will get SYSTEMERROR. |
5.9. ReferenceDescListResponse
Reference Description Service Response Body
Name | Description | Schema |
referenceDescListResponse |
Reference Description List Response |
< ReferenceDescResponse > array |
5.10. ReferenceDescResponse
Reference Description Response Model
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
Description of what the belonging key lists. |
string |
5.11. ReferenceDescServiceResponse
Reference Description Service Response
Name | Description | Schema |
body |
Reference Description Service Response Body |
resultCode |
0 means success other values may differ for each request. |
string |
resultDescription |
if requests succeed return OK otherwise returns error description. |
string |
resultType |
returns SUCCESS for valid operation, if you violate a business rule you will get BUSINESSERROR, if our system can not process your request, you will get SYSTEMERROR. |
5.12. ReferenceListResponse
Reference Data Service Response Body
Name | Description | Schema |
referenceListResponse |
Reference Data List Response |
< ReferenceResponse > array |
5.13. ReferenceRequest
Reference Data Service Request
Name | Description | Schema |
parameter |
Parameter whose reference data is wanted. You can get all the actıve Parameters: city, connection_contact_type, busbar_voltage, meter_voltage, meter_loss_type, meter_usage_type, profile_type, profile_subscription_group, substation, location_to_transformer, meter_supply_position, meter_withdrawal_position, line_circuit_number, conductor_resistance, company_action_code, main_tariff_code, regionCode, meterReadingCompany |
string |
5.14. ReferenceResponse
Reference Response Model
Name | Description | Schema |
addition |
Additional Info if there is any. |
string |
description |
Description of the key |
string |
key |
Key of the reference data (usually id or code) |
string |
5.15. ReferenceServiceResponse
Reference Data Service Response
Name | Description | Schema |
body |
Reference Data Service Response Body |
resultCode |
0 means success other values may differ for each request. |
string |
resultDescription |
if requests succeed return OK otherwise returns error description. |
string |
resultType |
returns SUCCESS for valid operation, if you violate a business rule you will get BUSINESSERROR, if our system can not process your request, you will get SYSTEMERROR. |
5.16. RequestBody
Type : object